sere: 18 Apeit 1979

AO G22






Request for Insert in the Record, Hearings Before Subcommittee on Energy,
Nuclear Proliferation and Federal Services, Committee on Government Affairs,
6-7 March 1979


Biomedical Advisor

1. Reference is made to your memo for the Director, 6 April 1979, subject:
Plan for Responding to Questions by Senator Glenn.


Cleanup and rehabilitation of Enewetak Atoll is essential before the Enewetak
People can be returned to their former homeland from which they were moved in 1947
to permit the Atoll's use as a nuclear weapons proving ground. Division of responsibilities for cleanup and rehabilitation phases of work was confirmed by Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) memo dated 18 October 1973.

This memo assigned

agency responsibilities to: Department of Defense for maintaining ongoing facilities
and operations at Enewetak and for cleanup operations; Interior for rehabilitation
and the Atomic Energy Commission (Department of Energy) for radiological monitoring
and survey. Director, DNA is DoD Project Manager and is coordinating the cleanup

effort by Military Service elements and a base contractor thru a combined Joint

Task Group Headquarters.


Currently a total of 973 people are at the atoll working on the cleanup of

which 657 are military and the remainder civilians. The civilians are primarily
engaged in base support operations, construction of community facilities and
housing under a TTPI contract and in DOE's Enewetak Radiological Support Project.
The southern islands of Enewetak have background levels of radiation comparable
to those on the East Coast of the United States and hence no radiation protection

measures are required for persons whose activities are confined to the main base
camp at Enewetak. Radiation levels in the northern islands are roughly five times
greater and entry is controlled and radiation protection measures imposed on those

visiting or working on these islands. Additionally, a comprehensive environmental
monitoring program is carried out and appropriate levels of individual protection
required for all persons working in an environment which is potentially hazardous.

Film badges are routinely worn by persons subject to exposure with thermoluminescent
dosimeters (TLD) used as backup. Finally a urinalysis is done on all persons leaving
the project who have been working in radioactive controlled areas.
3. - Results.

Since the beginning of the project in June 1977 to 11 April 1979, there have

been a total of 4,498 persons who have worked on controlled islands, including
3,463 military and 1,035 civilians. The average length of time military personnel
spend on the project is less than 180 days. The results from 8,552 dosimeter readings,

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Ma; NarCon FAQ

For laumment— 4/13/79)

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