It is an lrony of history that the U.N. Trust Agreement binds the United States both to ‘protect the health of the inhabitants’ and ‘protect the inhabitants against the loss of their land or resources.’ States. Similarly, exposure through concentration of radiation in the food chain is not well understood, yet this appears to have been a major contnbutor to the alarming rate of problems at Rongelap. Utink and other islands. At Bikini it was the reason for evacuating the people in 1978, and who can guaranteethe fu- ture of the Enewetak people? Moreover, in October 1980 the Department of Energy stated thatit is now safe for the Bikinians to return to a certain island in Bikini Atoll. It was claimed that the people will not receive doses above the federal radiation standards if they import 50 percent of their food and spend no more than 10 percent of their time on Bikini [sland, approximately six miles away. It 1s an irony of history that the United Nations Trust Agreement binds the Unined States both to “protect the health of the inhabitants’’ and “‘protect the inhabitants against the loss of their land or resources. "°° With medical examinations and environmental surveys by doctors and scientists independent of the U.S. government, combined with a thorough education program on radiation, at least the diagnosis and treatment of the Marshallese will improve. But unless the independent scientific community_in the United States becomes more involved in the health problems on these islands, it is likely that the inhabitants will S. ‘‘Enewetak Islanders Plan Return,” Honolulu Star Bulletin, Sept. 26, 1979. . Problems Unresolved on Enewetak Atoll." Honolulu Star Bulletin, March 26, 1980. 9. Rosalie Bertell to U.S. Congressman Sidney Yates. June 6, 1980. 8. Glenn H. Alcalay to Congressman Sidney Yates. June 24, 1980. 9. General Accounting Office, “‘Enewetak Aloll-—Cleaning Up Nuclear Contaminauon,”’ PSAD 79-54 (May 8. 1979). 10. Atomic Energy Commission. ‘’Report of Ad Hoc Committee to Evatuate the Radiological Hazards of Resettlement of Bikint Atoll” (1969). 11. Ralph Waltz to Giff Johnson, Majuro. Marshall Islands, June 1979. 12. Robert A. Conard. “The Radiological Staius of the Bikini People: A Summary Re- n° (Upton. N.Y.: Brookhaven National Laboratory, Sept. 20. 1978). 13. Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, “Dose Assessment at Biking Atoll.”’ ucri$1879 (June 8. 1977) pt. § “Bikim Islanders Want to Stay There.” Washington Post, Apni 3, 1980. 14, Conard, ‘Radiological Status.” 18. Konrad P. Kotrady, ‘‘The Brookhaven Medical Program to Detect Radiation Effects in Marshallese People. A Compansonof the People’s vs. the Program's Atutudes’’ (Jan. }. 1977), unpublished but available from Mic- ronesia Support Committee. 1212 University Ave.. Honolulu. HI 96826. 16. Conard. “Radiological Status.” 17. John Anjan. Magistrate of Rongelap Atoll 1980-65 to Giff Johnson, Ebeye. Marshall Islands. July 1979. 18. Lewis Strauss. taped press conference. 1954 (Washington. D.C.: Nanional Archives, 1954), 19. Robert A. Conard and others. *’Sum- mary of Thyrotd Findings in Marshallese 22 Years after Exposure to Radioactive Fallout.” No. 21924 (Upton. N.Y. Brookhaven National Laboratory. 1976). 20. Kotrady,""Brookhaven Medical Prom. 21. Philadelphia Inquirer. “Who Knows How Long They'll Take To Show,” Apnil 20, 1979. serve pmmarily as a source for U.S. 22. Conard and others. “A Twenty Year Review of Medical Findings in a Marshallese of radiation on human populations.C tive Fallout’ (Upton, N.Y.: Brookhaven National Laboratory. 1975). 23. U.S. Department of Energy. “Northem Marshall Islands Aenal Radiation Survey, government research into the effects 1. Edward Martell to Theodore Mitchell (Micronesian Legal Service Corporation) Dec. 9. 1974 2. Defense Nuclear Agency. ‘*Fact Sheet—Enewetak Operation” (Washington, D.C.. psa. Apni 1980). 3. KHON TV-2. intermiew with Paul Udell, Honolulu. March 1980. 4. Floyd Takeuchi. Pacific and Asian Affairs Seminar, Honolulu, June |8, 1980. Population Accidentally Exposed to Radioac- September to November 1978." 24. Micrones:an Independent. * ‘The 25.000 Year Question.’ June 6, 1980. 25. Kotrady. ‘Brookhaven Medical Pro26. United Nations. “Trusteeship Agreement for the Trust Terntory of the Pacific Is- lands (New York: U.N. Trusteeship Council. 1947). December 1980 Nowavailable e DIRECT FROM THE BULLETIN The Papers of the Worldwatch Institute The institute is an independent, non-profit research organization created to analyze and to focus attention on world probiems. 1 Nuclear Power: The Fitth Horseman by Denis Hayes, Details the issues to be faced if we increase our use of nuclear power: environmental impact, availabiiity of uranium. economics, safety, proliferation and terrorism. 64 pages. , : 2 Energy: The case for Con- servation by Denis Hayes. Reports that more than half the energy the U.S. consumes is wasted. Conservabon in certain areas couid meet our energy needs for the next 25 years. 77 pages. 3 Repairs Reuse Recycling—-First Steps Toward a Sustainable So- ciety by Denis Hayes. In light of pout cal, energy and environmental con- Straints on our future use of virgin materiais, recycling must become a central organizing principle In industrial societies. 48 pages. 4 Inflation: The Rising Cost of Living on a Small Planet by Robert Fuller. The author views inflation as a symptom of a growing imbalance between soanng human demands and the physicai resources to satisfy them. He suggests steps government and individuals can take to deal with the sources of rising prices. 48 pages. 5 Food or Fuel: New Competition for the Worid's Cropland by Lester Brown. Discusses the technology and economics of agnculturally based alcohol fuel. initiatives to increase its production and use may dnve pnces upward so that the pnice of oil may soon determine the price of food. 43 pages. Each paper—$2.00 postage paid. Outside U.S. and Canada — $4.00 @ach. 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