2 1 1980, $112,000,000;” the following: ‘‘for fiscal vears after to fiscal vear 1980, such sums as maybe necessary; ’’. SEc. 102. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated 3 ° or centum of such sums as maybe necessarytosatisfy all adju- oO dicated claims and final awards made before the date of the ~~] 4 to the Secretary of the Interior an amount equal to 50 per enactmentof this Act by the Micronesian Claims Commission 8 undertitle I of the Micronesian Claims Act of 1971 (85 Stat. 9 96; 50 U.S.C. App. 2018 et seq.), to be used by the Secre10 tary for the payment of such awards. 11 Sec. 103. (a) The Act entitled ‘“‘An Act to authorize 12 certain appropriationsfor the territories of the United States, 13 to amend certain Acts relating thereto, and for other pur14 poses” (91 Stat. 1159; Public Law 95-134) is amended by 15 adding the following section immediately following section 16 105 thereof: 17 “Sec. 106. (a) In addition to any other payments or 18 benefits provided by law to compensate inhabitants of the 19 atolls of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap, and Utirik, in the Mar20 shall Islands, for radiation exposure or other losses sustained 21 by them as a result of the United States nuclear weapons 22 testing program ator neartheir atolls during the period 1946 23 to 1958, the Secretary of the Interior shall provide a pro24 gram of medical care and treatment and environmental re25 search and monitoring for any injury, illness, or condition * DYN payee ces EATS ° * Dae t TRAhs a + ’ ; ween vee ra “se teasay . yi eat wv . ae . . TEE en aoe WR et ots 7the : wo soe 1 Ae epee URE RP FRETOTETGRE ry fl TeETT . aa ., . oeRR / an nee terat. Tee . OY LE ae ma neal : ae 1 1,