July 15,




ohot Diablo“ waa detonated.

monitored the st. weorge area and nighway

18 to snterprise. vunly background was observed.
we visited mr. seith nughes, agricultural axtension agent, who gave us
information for the uirectory.

wr. nughes was very cooperative and asked

several questions about our program. we gave him several copies of ‘atomic
,ests in sevade~ which he felt would be helpful in explaining the program to
pAnchers and rarmers of washington county.
July 16, 1957
a film badge was issued to
operator of a service
station 15 miles southwest of santa vlare on Highway 91.

requested a film badge to wear.

a list of towns and communities with their populations in sashington
vounty was prepared and forwarded to mercury with shot samples from “Diablo.«
July 17, 1957
sTaveled to Kanab, Utah to obtain additional information for the idrectory.
mY. Riggs, County asecorder, gavea us much infonnation on the population of the
communities and ranches in kane vounty.

terested in our program.

He was very cooperative and waa in-

July 18, 1957
otate sanitarian, mr. pingham, visited me at the mugged west wotel.


discussed the water supplies in the ot. veorge done and the milk supply for
the populated areas. shot “John“ 1a scheduled for tomorrow,

July 19, 1957
shot "John" No. [Xx was detonated at 0700. High-Vol air sampler was operated
and hourly readings with mX=-5 Survey Meter taken as requested by station 10. No
fallout was found in st. George. station equipment was moved from mugged West

Motel to 90 west 100 North and set up in connection with my apartment.
«ve were
visited by sev. Braun, oaptist minister, who expressed an interest in our pro-


He did not critieize the program but explained that many people blame

their ailments on the atomic tests. message at 1650:
Shot postponed, stand by
at 1630 tomorrow.
uiraveled to Mesquite to pick up gupplies for st. George and
Cedar vity.

July 20, 1957
(1630) Shot postponed, stand by 1600 tomorrow.
yoth High-Vol air samplers quit running. new brushes were purchased and
installed in one machine which worked satisfactorily afterwards. other activities
for the day were routine.
July 21, 1957
Message at 1630: Shot "Owen" is scheduled for tomorrow.
station operated in routine manner.
July 22, 1957

shot postponed,

July 23, 1957

otand by 2250

activities for the day were routine.

shot is on.

uwen is scheduled for 0630, salloon shot.

is scheduled for 0450, 1ower Shot. une or the other will be fired.
briefing at 2200, otand by at 2250.



Check continuous recorders for time, date, and
message from station 10:
Shot is on for Kepler at 0450.
Message at 2245;
location each day.
possibility uwen may be substituted.


Select target paragraph3