On Oct. 4 we purchased a new tire and had it mounted and I exchanged

film badges in the morning in Veyo, Central and Enterprise, accompanies

by Miss Maurine Whipple.

In the afternoon, Murray and I exchanged fil

badges in St. George. In the evening, Murray and I exchanged film
padges north of St. George accompanied by Miss Whipple.

On Oct. 5, MORGAN was postponed.

I exchanged film badges on Motoqua

Road to Nelson's Ranch. In the afternoon Murray and I mde shielding
studies of Renouf and Thompsons and Rugged West Motel. We also discussed our instruments with Maurine Whipple.

On Oct. 6, MORGAN was postponed.


We operated the station in a routine

On Oct. 7, MORGAN was fired. We monitored in St. George, Veyo,
Enterprise, Beryl Jct., Leeds, Harrisburg Jct., Washington, and
St. George, picking up a slight amount of radiation going northeast,
north of St. George and between Cedar City and St. George.

On Oct. 8, we took our samples and film badges to Cedar City for the

courier and monitored through Beryl Jct., Enterprise, Central, Veyo,
Gunlock, Shivwits, and St. George, picking up radiation in Veyo and
Gunlock and Shivwits. In the afternoon I made a shielding study of «

Apt. 12, Rugged West Motel.

On Oct. 9, we operated the station in a routine manner and als0
visited the Sheriff, City Manager, and City Mayor, informing them
we were leaving and giving them Mr. Placak's address in case of

questions arising from the atomic tests.

On Oct. 10, we loaded our equipment and proceeded into Mercury,
arriving at 1730.

On Oct. 11, I helped check in the equipment of Station 214 at
Warehouse 6 and cleared the post to return home.



Select target paragraph3