On Sept. 10, Shot WHITNEY was postponed. I helped record HiVol,
fallout tray, recorder records, film badges, and other logs.

OnSept. ll, WHITNEY was postponed.

I helped record film badges and

did routine work around the Warehouse.

On Sept. 12, we stood by for FIZEAU which was postponed, then did
routine work around the Warehouse.
On Sept. 13, we stood by for WHITNEY in the morning and FIZEAU in
the afternoon.

Both were cancelled.

On Sept. 14, we went out to the C.P. to see Shot WHITNEY which was

cancelled at H-5. They immediately set up FIZEAU and we saw it fired
at O945. We returned to Mercury and collected the supplies for the
monitors. We left Mercury at 1200 on a courier run and returning to

our stations, we met 235 and 240 at Glendale Junction.
235 on to St. George, arriving at 1600.

I went with

On Sept. 15, we operated the station in a routine manner.
On Sept. 16, NEWTON, XXI, was fired at 0550.

We monitored around

St. George in the morning and monitored Utah 18 to Enterprise, Beryl

Jct., Newcastle, and Cedar City and monitored U.S. 91 from Cedar City
to St. George.
On Sept. 17, WHITNEY was postponed. Dr. van der Smissen arrived in
St. George at 1130. I left for Cedar City at 1200 to take the samples

to courier.

Returned to St. George at 1440.

On Sept. 18, WHITNEY was postponed. We were requested to make a list
of questions that we had been asked. The only question that I had been

asked was "How does the film badge work?"

On Sept. 19, 1957, RAINIER (underground device) was fired.

No shock

wave was felt in St. George. 213 wanted an appointment in Las Vegas
with Miss Whipple. I contacted Miss Whipple and then cancelled the
appointment when Dr. van der Smissen couldn't set up the appointment.
On Sept. 20, 1957, we exchanged film badges in Hurricane and St. George.

On Sept. 21, 1957 we had the front end of the car worked on.
shimmied so badly we could hardly drive it.

On Sept. 22, 1957 WHITNEY was postponed again.
and Anton arrived in St. George about 1320.


Gilmore, Dunning,

Dunning explained a

program of shielding studies that he desired to be done for hin.

On Sept. 23, 1957 WHITNEY was fired. We contacted Sheriff Renouf
and made arrangements to use Renouf and Thompson's auto parts office


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