with traces of *°2 Rh,

Figure 10).

144 G6,


*4 "ar, and


© Zn


We estimate from this sample that approx-

imately 60% of the exposure rate at this site was due to

®°co, 30% to ~**Sb and *°?™Rh. and the rest primarily to


Jelete is similar in almost all respects to Lukcj.
radiation survey was accomplished by encircling the island
about 100 ft. inland.
Readings with the CG-M counter ranged
from 63 to 130 ur/hr.
No soil samples were obtained.

Oroken -

Bokaetoktok -


These small islands, the most westerly of the southwest
group, exhibited similar general characteristics - black
coral rock shores, dense vegetation. mcist. highly organic
soil, and quite large bird populations.
The islands were
essentially undisturbed by construction and other similar
activities connected with the testing operations.
Radiation levels on these islands were scmewhat lower
than on Lukoj and Jelete.
On Oroken the measurements around

the island about 50 ft.

inland ranged fror 17 to 30 ur/hr.

Closer to the center of the island the levels were around
40 ur/hr.
The highest level measured with the G-M counter

was 43 wr/hr.

On Bokaetoktck the levels were oniy si-_ghtciy lower,
ranging from 10 to 23 ur/hr with a raximunm ot 30 Ux/hr near
the center.

On Bokdrolul fairly unifcrm readings of from 24 to 36
ur/hr were recorded with the scintillation covnter.


similar range was found with the G-M counter with one measurement of 50 ur/hr
Lower levels of about 10 ur/hr were
typical near the ocean or lagoon shores
No soil samples
were obtained from these islands.

A sand bar


all that


in the northwest part of the atoll.
whatever on the

small narrow island.

cf the

island of Bokbata

There is no vegetation

to the north


Select target paragraph3