




The islands between Bikini and Eneu are quite small.
Unusually high tides are capable of washing across these low
islands, and consequently only scrub brush survives in the
sand and coral soil.





The four islands were surveyed with G-M counters only.
Several transects were made across each island.
The radiation
levels were quite low and uniform.
Most recorded readings
were ~10 ur/hr.
The range of radiation levels on the four
islands was 3ur/hr to 10 ur/hr (Table 1).

a two-mile chain of five islands connected by partly eroded
Only the western-most island, Eneman, exhibited
significant radiation levels.


Aerokoj-Eneman Complex
The Aerokoj-Eneman Complex,

nine miles west of Eneu,

The two eastern islands, Aerokoj


and Aerockojlol are

connected and almost indistinguishable as separate islands.
These two islands were almost completely cleared of vegetation during the testing period.
An aircraft runway ran the
length of the islands.
A water distillation plant anda
personnel housing area were located on the southern side of
Some coconut seedlings were found growing quite
well around the former campsite.
The islands had isolated
stands of brush, but not nearly the density of vegetation on
The ground was grass covered and was used by a
considerable number of nesting sea birds.
Survey measurements with the scintillation counter and the G-M counter
were made along the center of these islands with spot measurements nearer the ocean and lagoon shores.
Readings were
quite low and uniform, similar to Eneu.
The range of G-M
counter readings was 3 to 10 ur/hr.
The terrestrial gamma
exposure rates measured with the scintillaticn counter
ranged from only 1 to 3 ur/hr.
Because the radiation levels
were so low on these two islands, no soil samples were
The longest causeway of the complex connects western
Aerokojlol with Bikdrin.
This island and the next one quite

Select target paragraph3