The exposure rate measurements along the Village Road
and at Locations 1, 2, and 3 on the O Transect may be assumed
to be fairly typical for the area along the lagoon shore, not
too far inland.
The total exposure rates averaged 20 to 40
More weathered areas such as sections of open roadway
and the large cleared area around the 1500 ft. point on the
Village Road (reportedly a former recreation area) had exposure
rates of 10 to 20 ur/hr.
Around more protected areas within
the lagoon shore region characterized by denser vegetation
in more organic soil, exposure rates of 60 ur/hr and more were
Total Exposure Rates Along the 1 Transect - The vegetation

along the 1 Transect was much more dense than that encountered
along the O Transect.
The area along the 1 Transect appeared
less disturbed by previous clearing or construction activity.
A number of pandanas trees and a few coconut palms were seen
in this region.
Survey meter measurements were made every 150 ft.

this 2850 ft.


transect coinciding with the placement of TLD's.

The exposure rate profile is shown in Figure 5.
rates rose to uniformly high values near the center of the

transect where they were 90 to 110 ur/hr or greater.


geiger counter with the probe window open indicated a fair
amount of B-ray contribution in the area near the 1350 ft.
point and beyond the transect center.
This probably explains
the higher G-M counter gamma exposure rates obtained in this
area, since the geiger counter was found to overestimate
gamma exposure rates in the laboratory in the presence of a

large B-ray field.

Exposure rates ranged between 10 and 20

ur/hr very near the lagoon and ocean beaches.

No localized



wath pe,


areas of significantly higher or lower radiation levels were

encountered although they may well exist.
The dashed lines
drawn in Figure 5 enclose most of the measurements made
along the 1 Transect, except for the geiger counter readings
in the higher B-active region.

No field spectrometer measurements were made along this
transect due to the extreme difficulty in traversing the
path even when not carrying equipment.
Neither were any

soil samples obtained.

Select target paragraph3