
area near the old village site was chosen for a more detailed
clearing experiment.
The choice of locations and number of
survey transects was limited by the location of good boat
landing areas, the available time, and the small size of the
survey party.

The map of Bikini Island (Figure 3) shows the approximate

routes of the survey and the spectrometer and ion chamber
measurement locations.
A number of spectrometer measurements
were made in the vicinity of Tent 1 at the beginning of the
0 Transect (near the lagoon shore) while work progressed on
clearing the transect.
The transect was then surveyed with
the portable meters, and spectrometer measurements made at
some of the areas exhibiting significantly higher or lower
radiation levels.
The Village Road required a minimum of
clearing to be made passable.
The 1 Transect again required
considerable work with machetes and chain saws to allow
passage for a portable meter survey.
Field spectrometric
measurements were also made at the midpoint of the Village
Road and at the area chosen for the clearing experiment.
For the North and South End Transects, no clearing was
Total and Individual Isotope Exposure Rates Along the 0
Transect - Readings of the portable scintillation counter
were made every 50 ft. along the 2850 ft. O Transect.
Geiger counter readings were recorded every 150 ft.
readings along with the ionization chamber results provide
a profile of the radiation levels across the island as shown

in Figure 4.

Most of these data fall within a band of

exposure rates ranging from 20 to 30 ur/hr near the lagoon
shore, from 50 to 80 ur/hr in the center of the island, and

from 10 to 20 ur/hr near the ocean beach.

Several areas

exhibited much higher exposure rates than these average
There were also some locations which exhibited
Significantly lower than average radiation levels.
The increase in radiation near the center of the island
appeared to correlate with the density of the vegetation.
Near the shores the vegetation is sparse and the soil is very





Select target paragraph3