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islands ---Terry, Japtan, and Anujaanii -- in the southeastern part of the
atoll, will receive first priority.

The trust territory government Looks forward to working with the people of
Eniwetok on the actual plan of the rehabilitation and returning of the atoll,
They will be able to help us decide upon time schedules and actual locations
for the pending program and the agriculture rehabilitation.

The people

of Eniwetok will be invited at an early date to visit Bikini and Eniwetok
in ‘order to familiarize themselves with the program utilized for Bikini and
the requirements for Eniwetok.


We hope by this joint planning effort to carry out the rehabilitation program
in an efficient and well thought out manner as well as to meet local desires
as much as possible.

The trust territory government will enter into immediate consultation

with the people of Eniwetok to commence the above process and to conclude
any necessary legal arrangements.

Department of Energy
-Historian’s Office


Select target paragraph3