



Two years ago we completed studies on a total of 6 patients give

these moderate therapeutic doses of 1311 for hypexthyroidism, buf un-

fortunately, the full series of cultures was not always complete jon each
patient. Some cultures failed and in two instances the large maber of

initial control observations were not fully acceptable.

From tha meager

data on these patients, it appeared that there was ~ slight rise lin the
incidence of chromosomal anomalies. Continuation cf the work waq Limited

at that time because of shortage of personnel on our own staff ard on Dr.
Macintyre's staff. During the past 1 years we have resumed thee studies

with the participation of a graduate student who is addressing himself to |
this problem. We have so far essembled information on 14 additic


The experimental design hae been as follows:

for culture are obtained before any 131r was given.

Samples bf blood

Sufficient Hlood was

obtained so that multiple cultures would be available to clearly establish
an incidence of anomalies before the radiation wes given. Subsequently,

samples of blood have been obteined for culture et 1, 4, 10, and 24 hours,
and 2, 3, 7, and 14 days. Multiple cultures ere prepared from e
of 1l
to 18 samples of blood from each patient. The usuel Large battery of

observations on the kinetics of the 1312 as deacribed in the firgt
of this report were also being carried out.

All series of



counts are done as comlete unknowns. At the time of reporting che year
ago the data on 8 patients studied thoroughly suggested that
pmo somal
anomalies were being produced at a just significant level in patibnts

given S to 8 millicuries of 131r,

It was recognized that a


larger number of patients would be required to obtain enough data
a clear answer to this issue.

to get

The new cases added to the study in the past year have not show
very significant rise in the number of chromosomal anomalies follbwing
131y except in one very
ieant case. This particular case

@ somewhat higher dose of I31I than did all of the others... Althong
all of the kinetics are not fully analyzed, this

pattent received] 19.2

Attention is now being directed toward patients who happen to be
doses in this range.


There has arisen some concern that cells if incubated in their]




serum (which contained 1311) might sustain significant further rafiation

effect during that incubation.

[It could be argued that under the] former

conditions some radiation might be sustained by the cells during


rather than sustained solely before the cells were withdrawn from the
patient. It seems that replacing the serum in the culture eliminktes any.
radiation effect that might occur while the culture is being incubated.
In the more recent studies, non-radioactive (pretreatment) serum has been
obtained from the patient and stored and later used to replace
th serum

(in the cell cultures) that bears 131] when the blood is drawn.

studies to compare the effects of 131 in the cultures have been

By comparing the results with and without the radioactive serum if



clear that the presence of the small emount of 13lr has no detecthble influence on the number of anomalies found.

X-Ray Radiation Effect on the Thyroid

As part of our studies on radiation effect on the thyroid we have had in
progress a follow-up study of a selected group of patients who before 1950
received x-ray radiation to the neck and presumably to the thyroid



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Select target paragraph3