


microspectrophotometry on animal thyroids in this laboratcry, thel rigid
methodology for procuring and processing the tissue was set into @peraticn
each time human thyroid material was to become available. Thus, fhe
quentitative measurement of DNA in individual nuclei was undertak@n in hemen
' tissue as we had done in the past in animals. Over a period of ajlaost

years, thyroid tissues from 12 131f treated patients were obtaine¢

All hed had Graves' disease.

for this

In addition, % tissues from/thyroids

previously subjected to x-ray radiation and 2 controls were obtaiged.


of the 12“13iy patients were subjected to surgery because of masses which

had developed in the thyroid; one patient wos operated on for pergistence of

hyperthyroidien and was receiving an antithyroid drug at the timejthe tissue
was cbtained; in two instances tissue was obtained at prompt post imortem
examination. All tissues had been processed and stored in paraffin blocks

so that simultaneous staining could be accomplished on all tissue lat the

same time.

Recently the final steps in the preparation and st

these radiated

During the past 1%

ds and tissues from control thyroids were

years the quantitative measurement of DNA in


nuclei was done on these human tissuea.

ng of



Quantitative measurement of DNA in individual nuclei using Feuliger

staining and microspectrophotometry showed considereble variation

lin DNA

than 2 tines the diploid value.

This is as wes observed in the

thyroids of animals which had previously been given 131r and is
as a build up in DNA, but thwarted cell division.


tt a"

content and nuclear volume in some, but not all of tte radiated tiles
Measurements indicated that the amount of DNA in some cells was gre


On review of alternate sections stained with the customary hemats
and eosin method, it was found that somewhat fewer of these radiat
tissues displayed bizarre nuclear forms than was observed in our pf

radiated human thyroids described many yerrs ago.

However, four of 12

131r treated patients shoved an abundance of the bizarre miclear fpres in

extranodular tissue.

One of the most obvious was a patient who hai not

been cured of hyperthyroidiam end had been given propylthiouracil before

the cperation.

This drug may have behaved in a fashion compareble to our

animal experiments where an abundance of bizarre nuclear forms devplc
when a similar stimulus was applied. In this case the natural st: alus of

the disease to produce hyperplasia had obviously persisted at the Rime
tissue was obtained.


In the other cases following 131I treatwent, it‘is

difficult to know whether a given patient is in a euthyroid state because

the driving force that caused Graves’ disease has abated .¢ whethef the .
force is still there, but the thyroid is so damaged that hyperthyrpidiam
is not possible.
Some of the adenomas which developed in these radiated human gl
were also similarly studied for MIA content of individual nuclei. [Contumors. In the figal analysis, it is not entirely clear which
arose following 1311 and which were present, but not detected, at

131I was given.

It would be particularly interesting to know whick

arose from radiated cells that bore a potential for bizarre nucle

because the tumor was @lready present.

Certainly the former must


in some cases, One follicular adenocarcinoma was encountered in alpatient
tho had heen treated with 131], but unfortunately, the special pregarations
on this neoplasm were not adequate for our studies.

The bizarre

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