Besides the usual thorough clinical work-up of the patient inclading:

hematologic studies, estimation of the character and weight of the[ thyroid,

systematic recording of all features of ophthalmopathy, the PBI, tke uptake

, of 2317 and the clinical judgement of the severity of the hype


a series of special observations were made on these selected patiesgts.
is these special studies that have been supported by this grant.

inelude the following:


The uptake of the treatment dose by the

and repeated (almost daily) observations thereafter to determine

of disappearance of the 1512 from the thyroid over a period of up



te pattern

fo three

weeks. 2) Sampling of the total radioactivity per ml of blood ovar the
frame period of time. 3) Serial quantitative chromatogrems to show the

cmounts of various iodinated compounds in the blood (5 to 8 sampleg per
patient) to reflect the changing pattern of these compounds following the

administration of the treatment dose. 4%) Similar observations on jthe
urine with attention to the daily total loss of radioactivity from/the body.

These serial observations not only initially reflect the abnormalities of
the disease process and variations among patients before a substantial
radiation effect occurs, but they aleo reflect changes that are
the radiation. The data have been gradually accumulated and subsequent

evaluation of the course of the disease has been considered in the Right
of these findings. The cases represent a wide range of response.


ultimate value of the data is not fully know because the long term effects
of 1312 are still coming to light.
Our laboratory repres2nts one of 19 centers included in the Radibiodine

Therapy Follow-Up Study of the Radiological Division of the United Btates
Public Health Service. (We received a small grant from this source solely
for the purpose of tracing and keeping contact with all of these special
patients as well as others treated in ow center without special stpdy).
The detailed data described above on approximately 18S of these patients,

etudied under this Atomic Energy Contract, have proven to be the mo

thorough in this national follow-up study. The kinetics of the 131f in

these treatment patients, along with the collateral observations,



: now

as tie basis for attempting to define the patterns of behavior of

A special committee headed by Dr. Mones Berman has been set tp (May

1967) to study this material. It is hoped that after the committee/has
established kinetic patterns from these detailed data that fragnents of
data from other less completely studied patients can be analyzed anq the

missing data estimated for those patients by the use of computers.


reasons for the variations in the therapeutic ocutcome may thus be l¢arned
in a large mumber of patients now being followed. Additional and mre
meaningful information should come from the data assembled under
thq Atomic
Energy Commission contract as we follow the outcome of the radiatic} in
the patients and have the collaboration of others who are more knowledgeable in the study of kmetics and who are using our data. We continue to
carry out a detailed study on selected patients when: 1) an appropriate
patient is to be treated, 2) when he is available for intensive stay,
and 3) when the personnel working under the contract have a suffidient
block of consecutive days to complete the study of blood and urine af that

DNA Synthesis in Radiated and Stimulater .:


Gradually, as the project has progressed, emphasis has shifted somewhat
more from the purely physiologic toward the morphologic changes caused by

Select target paragraph3