

High-energy Neutron Threshold Detectors

Sulvhur (n,p reaction, threshold effectively 3 Mev),
iodine (n,2n reaction, threshold effectively 10 Mev), and zirconium (n,2n
reaction, threehold effectively 12.5 Mev) samples will be placed at 100-yd
intervals from zero to 1700 yds along the reef toward Bogallua. There is
& tentative plan whict is not yet firm to fasten all the above samples to
a cable which would be pulled in by a winch at 1700 yds. Further cerebration mey lead to a decision not to use the winch.
Zirconium samples will also be pleced in line with the
collimator holes from the collimator mentioned in Progran 2, above, out

to epproximately 800 yds, if the collimation is not so tight as to forbid

extra material in their line of sight.

It ie presently planned that all counting with the possible
exception of the epithermal neutron detectors will be at Los Alamos.

Neutron Spectrum--Nuclear Emulsions
No decision has as yet been made on this experiment.”


Because of the uncertainty as to the velue of the measurements obtained,
an investigation of the cost of using some equipment left over from Greenhouse end thereby doing a very simple and cheap experiment is being made.
It is feared that the final decision from T Division as to the value of
this experiment will not be available in time to allow a major effort
after that decision. No definite plans are available to date,


Neutron Intensity as a Function of Time

Both slow neutron and fast neutron intensity as a function
of time will be measured. using the techniques tested at Greenhouse,at a
station on San Il de Fonso at epproximately 1200 yds. These measurements

will cover the range from 1 msec to approximately 50 sec.

In addition to the above measurements, a few samples of vet
yeo28 and yer will be placed along the threshold detector line described
above as measurements of intermediate energy neutron fluxes.


GAMMA-RAY MEASUREMENTS - LASL-J-13 (J. Malik and N. Smith)


Totel Gamma-rayDose - LASL-H-6 (E. Storm)

Film badge totel dose measurements will be made on two
lines, one from Elugelab to the far end of Bogallua, the other from Elugelab
to the far end of Engebi, both measuring at 100-yd intervals on land only.

At each position there will be three film badges, one of which remains in
position efter the shot, the second of which drops at approximately 0.2 sec






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Select target paragraph3