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curanee (sarcurisand}nead carcinohancetedy burh-dose cases 1 0.28 +
© oyide dewiee mince from pono.
vat Ma) individuals) no radiogenic

dose-response expres ded i, sduaredd cspotential form [7
KD7e7 PP? where
fo -incdence. O
total Lele: doc Gmean) accumuvared to the time of diag- 4
Peostad Who theais ves repeot ob with later dara by the same eroup (£43)
the careimorna
noBoat the Th did noi fr a cantinuous function aver the
enure dose va en anoeuzh tle sarco.ba dia Continued to ut fhe above function
reasonabn wed,
Yohe MAT aed Argonne ponulatiots are in process of being cambined for
furtner study. conccnurant with the official redrement of Dr. Evans from MIT.
This and retuted problems are consolidated in a Center for Radiobiology ” in
the vision of Radiglogial Payses at tue Argonne Laboratory under lhe
direction of Or. Rutert E. Rowland. Thus, this invaluable resource to the underStinding cf tho toxics vofaodroeacides inomen will itis greatly to be haped.
contiaue in a owrtin iv “immortal” orgerizution, Currently known exposes
are cxpected to survive well beyond the year 2000 and, from an epidemioiogcai
standpoint, a complete study is essential.

+t round, be. there appiars to be no

wat ody burden of about 6.8 uCi of
tous gives a close-fic to the dose“. hissical X-ray score’, a numerical

‘otal esperiments with alpha emitters
wofen foese studies of alpha irradiation
* us. ear at lower dose rates), aithough
red tes domonstrate the effect.
wforervently at the Argonne National
aad: Hospital covers an identified group
sven studied in some detail, Most of
swceeanlfy. Finkel, Miller & Hasterlik
wd et 243 cases, 23 bone sarcomas, 16
» taandd otttds, and 7 leukemias andaplastic
Pot ely osvaruble unexposed population.
Sid cases but without the complexity
. woscurca Fora variety of reasons
mp ate gs
nasimum radium burdens
‘t241.5 a catculuted radiation dose in
Taw fl
‘vaers rose more or less linearly,
ii. ot Pretermunal ourden or about
wr torden. No cases were found below
“ble threshold appears in these
to pee
‘calculation are used as applied
-- . tne applicable rad doses in the
oo soeeutin the MIT study.
.ovtse relauon above the “ critica! ”


-tecducl, did rise with dose, again with
Ty ue rads. Tie incidence of severe
rome woos, and inc age distribution at
inls rae tumer incidence that
pin the range [60J-20,000

Radium-224 (Thoriumn-X) in fianuns.—An entirely separate population for
determination of the carcinogenic effecis of deposited radium in man is a populatioa of about 2000 German subjects who received, shortly after World Wer VI,

repeated injections of ?**Ra (Thorium-X, half-life 3.62 days). They received a

bANSL-ACRH cases, With 777


soe -

me oe mee

ele The data are presented in
vas, Sar sunarly with regard to
“Otes teal Absa the pope fa
Too salience rey aclonts

nostruin cated ° Peteasthar’” fer itended treatment of ankylosing sponusHis,
tubercuio.ss, and other d.sease on the initial recommendation of a country de. tor.
Spiess (45) first described the population: 1178 names known, 802 individuals
checked, now 897 (44). Fifty-three bone sarcomas have nowbeen reported with
averace lime since the first injection srand'ng at 21 years for juveniles and 18
years tor the adulis. Incidence seemed to pe related more or Jess lineariy to the
We atte wena Pasa with son. inconsistencies. The incidence ruts on this
hesis was 1.49% per 100 rads aversive ckeletal dose for juveniles and 0.7°% per
106 rods in adults. The lowest average skeletal dose associated with a bone
sefi Od wis 90 rds in an adult, about 12) rads in the combined juveriles. Thess
minal calculaicd doses Gf they ere miiunal at all) are considerabl, betow the
commaratle Qgures for radium-226 ¢}(#¥+1200 rads) This may represent a
greater inheret efectiveness of the sl.crter-lived radium isotope, but the difference is more likely to be a matter of dosimetric calculation. As Spiess & Mays
ceint out (45), the calculated dose from ?7*Rato the cells at potential risk, e.g,
Hea sO issae yer FO pm inick asecent to vene surfaces, oo perhaps 9 tances
bigher for 774. than the calculated average to bone. The short-lived iscloge
expenws be. rere of its energy, she adnering to the bone surface tian afies
Mreeecopih oo oo. the mineral mietciv. The result of 4 recalculation 1? dase un
this Fan sd
hes the lowest sur.oma dese from 7"*hKa and to reduce tre
oo for 28 aed chmos: elimmcte, the apporent diiercnes an

hoorneten om che Argonne cases is

raose res melo p a real difference ir effectiveness or a differ. dccuvarr os cafeulerons, che
. that radiogenic tumors are occurring

ame Rae

PoP oe oc though mae proven,





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