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injection. Lymphoma of the hepatic lymph nodes of a pig receh ing plureriis-

nitrate subcutaneously ts reported by Mia Cianahan ct al (U3). OF special nts
in the study of Yule. Gibb & Morraw(90) i+ the fuct that lume ‘esioees so
to reflect total pulmenary rediation dose while fymph node damage was on. ¢sensitive tr dose rate.
Few * metabolic” studies of tissue distribution follow through the Ixag-te: toxicity to the extent seen in the work of Rosenthal & Lindenbaum (94) In ine
werk plutonium received by intravenous Hjection in monomeric form eos
clearly mare carcinogenic to bone (CF #1 female mice: than simuar doses
received in polymeric form. The mice receiving the monomeric borin AEs Les
earlicr with ostecsarcoma and developed about twice the inudence coin
numbers of mice with tumors and in numbers of tumors per mouse, Por hee

concentratian of monomence plutonium upon endosteas surfaces of meno:
and veiicbral trabeculae mus have played an important role in this poet ea so
but it is dificult to arrive at a factor of 2 by this explanation alone. Tae re
meric piutonium deposits to a greater extent than monomeric in fiver ard eo
elements of the reticulo-endothelial system and incidence of hepatomas was ©
with the polymeric form compared to 2-3°4 with the monomeric plutonium.
Whether or not this difference contributes also cannot be decided. Also the
phenomenon may not occur to the same degree at very low concentrations of
the nuclide.
The above maycontrast with the findings of Della Rosa & Stannard (95) with

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21Cbo where large differences in tissue distribution did not influence acure

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toxicity. However the end points are quite different, eiz: LDsg versus carcinogenicity.

All of the work quotes. above refers to *""Pu. Toxicity oF 22"Pu has heen

reported as greater than ?“5Pu on an activity basis (96) but the data d> ner
extend to relative carcinogenicity.
Irradiated nuclear fue’s always contain some americium-24! along with

plutonium. For this reason comparative carcinogenicity of **’Ara to 77°PG

is of interest. Taylor & Bensted (97) have recently negated earlier findinz
showing equal toxicity of these two nuclides in a long-term study in rats. in ther

experiments ?7*!Am appears to be much less effective than 73°Pu in protucing

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bone tumors: 21°4 and 47°% incidence in animals receiving 2.5 uCi kg or
7 uCi kg of 74'Am respectively, compared to 80°% incidencein animals receiv inz

2.9 uCi kg of ?°°Pu. The difference is witributed by ihe authors to davereiccs

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in the chemical handling of the trivalent americium compared to tac preder .nantly tetravaient plutonium, eg. differences in binding to plasma proter-,
clearance rate, etc A few soft tissue lesions, including loukentia, were seen is
this study but not tn sucficient numberto aiow a comparison oF effect eres.
Even though ne cancer cases or ather serious cesions feseemt oc) ters 7
injury} have appeured in man, the popuiauon of fraloaia: WOK Ses rs Gand,
constant surveillance (741 A United Stites Trars-Parvomun Regge bes Ree,
organized under the sporsership of AEC bythe Manford Fovircnmental Hea th
Foundation and all possible efforts are being made to study this greup for cor.-

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