




December 14,


On August 26, Ink Gates signed a letter which I prepared, to Jim,

discussing resuspension studies at Bikini and Enewetak. In part
this was motivated by concern regarding the urine - Pu problem.
For your convenience, I am enclosing a copy of that letter as well
as a copy of the reply which Ink received from Martin Biles. Ido
not find that response very satisfying. For the record, there has
been no discussion or coordination on this subject between the BNL
environmental surveillance group and any of my staff.
Even more
unfortunate, I think, is the apparent inadequacy of communication

between the BNL environmental effort and those responsible at LLL
for past extensive effort to understand resuspension problems. (An
effort in which ERDA (AEC) has invested on the order of a million

dollars over the past four or five years. }
I shall look forward to the report of the TTG, and hope that they will
have recognized how limited is our data and how even more limited
igs our understanding,

There are those who refer ta much of our

research as ''fun and games", but if there ever was a case fora

directed and accelerated research effort, I think this is it. I believe
you agree, and thus would like to offer whatever assistance you may
need in order to get such an effort underway.


ay Manager

for on vixénsnent & Safety

1. Memo, Gates/Liverman
dtd 8-26-76

2. Memo, Biles/Gates
dtd 9-29-76

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