.as the Department of Defense Project Manager tor matccia cunresnne o -,
proposed cleanup of Enewetak Atoll.
Based on an engineering survey bythe Departnent of Defense (DOD) and a
radiological survey by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) (now the Energy
Research and Development Administration), a proposed scheme was developed
to clean up the atoll in accordance with guidelines for radiological ©
cleanup recommended by the ARC.

issued on 15 April 1975.

The Environmental Impact Statement was

The DOD FY 1976 Military Construction request

asks for initial authorization and funding for the cleanup project, and
indicates follow-on requests for FY 1977 and FY 1978 are programmed.

It is the intent of the DNA and ERDA that the cleanup of Enewetak will
remove and will dispose of the radiological hazard so that a safe reScttlement of the people can. be accomplished.

It is not possible to

reduce the radioactive contamination to pre-test levels.

It is possible

and feasible, however, to rehabilitate the atoll ina manner that will

assure the safety of the returning people by employing certain minimal
and acceptable restrictions on land use and locally grown foods, and by


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