burden curve for 905, recongtructed from raw data and Eq. 1, was considered @
more accurate history.

A detailed presentation of the greater variation in

radiochemical analysis of urine versus direct body burden measurements can be
found in Mi8l.
Figure 9 illustrates the variation exhibited in the body burden of 5
These individual

randomly chosen subjects over: the 25 year monitoring period.


variations may have had a drapstic impact on the mean date.

In Figure 2, which

illustrates the adult male, adult female, and adult population mean


Ca body

burden for the 25 year exposure period, a decrease followed by an increase was
seen during the years 1958 through 1963,

Although che Castle BRAVO test ini-

tially contaminated Rongelap in March 1954, it had been proposed that the
Hardtack Phase I series added to this an amount of contamination equal to that

responsible for the Figure 2 body burden pattern (C063). » Figure 9 suggests that
most individuals counted in those years had body burdens which remained the same
or declined; however, one individual's burden (#881 M) rose and fell quite
differently from the others,

Several factors could have contributed to this

variation from the mean such as departure and return to the atoll, sickness, the
dietary contribution of imported foods, etc.

Since the mean values are basci

on small numbers of persons who were chosen at random, it is conceivable chat individuals like 881 M influenced the mean body burdens to a greater degree than
recontamination of the inhabited atolls.

The impact of the individual body

burden pattern on the true mean value is moot since body burdens of all individuals were not monitored consistently throughout their residence intervals except
in the few cases exhibited in Figure 9.


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