





E.0. 12068, Section e524

By)... MARS, Date Vite...

This document consists of -


No. 4 of _£.- Copies, Si

Z should like to emphasise that during operation SANDETONS no single
individual of Joint Task Force 7 sustained an injury as a direct result
of the testes

Thin of course includes radiological casvaltics.

The major pertion of the Joint Task Foree sailed from Pearl Harbor

oa 8 Maren in ships of the Navel Task Group.

Mlagehip cf the force vas

the command ship USS Mount NcKinley, veteran of the Pacific war and of t
Bikind atoalc tests,

The four shige of the convey had eboard the prine

cipal participants, beth selentific and silitary.

Construction of the

proving greund had been commenced in late December 1947 by General Ogdsn!
arey units, in secerdance with plans develeped in coardisation with the
Scieatifie Grou.

Some of our construction was performed hy civilian

The Morrison Kauieen-Peter Kiewit Companies, the Ayrnes Coapar

ant the Hawailen Dredging Gompany were three civilian agencies engaged at

different tines on the project.
One of the mest extenoive construstion projects was that of signal

Both radio and telephone service was required.


21,000,000 feet of eudmarine cable was laid under the direction of the

U. B. Const Quard.
Inchdentally, it sight interest you to know that within the Tack
Force in addition te the Scientific personnel fron the AXC's Los Alanan
Scientifia Laboratory at New Nexice, and many other parte of the country,
we had engaged at different periods during the preparation for and
conduct of the tests personnel from the Arny, Navy, including Marines,
Air Poros, Comat Guard, Public Health Service, Coast and Geodetic Survey
civilian employees from the different Services and oivilians working


Select target paragraph3