Chapter 4



Facilities and Services

TU-6 participation at Johnston Island was limited to providing emer-

might arise during launching. In addition, these people assisted the scientific personnel during recovery operations and monitored and supervised the
packing and shipping of nose cones and other recovered samples.
The emergency party totaling 11 people, was stationed at Honolulu,
T. H. Just prior to an event at Johnston Island six of them were sent to
Johnston to take care of any rad-safe problem that might arise, and arrange- .
ments were made through the JTF-7 Liaison Office at Hickam Air Force
Base, Honolulu, to move the other five there if necessary.
Personnel of the emergency team were provided by LASL, UCRL, and
TU-6 at Eniwetok Proving Ground. In selecting its members, primary consideration was given to people with considerable field experience with alpha
contaminants as this was considered most important.
The facilities and equipment of the Rad-Safe Center aboard the USS

Boxer were utilized by members of the team.

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gency health physics crews for use during any possible contingency that

Twenty AN/PDR-39 and



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12 PAC 3G survey meters were available on the Boxer in addition to the
various items of protective clothing.

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