taken at 25 feet were multiplied by a factor of 2 in order to obtain a reasonable approximation of the true ground reading. The factor of 2 was experimentally determined and checked at various times during the operation. Ex-

perience indicated further that any reading taken from an altitude of 50 feet
or higher was extremely difficult to correct to true ground values due to the
asymmetry in the radiation fields and the topography of the various islands.
2.1.4—Monitors for recovery parties were provided by TU-6 when necessary. Demand was quite small except for the Quince and Fig events when

28 TU-6 monitors were used.

In general, however, projects provided their

own monitors as members of the recovery party. Monitors were responsible
to the party leaders, who were expected to accept a monitor's advice and
plan their operations accordingly.

2.1.5— Laboratory facilities at Eniwetok for radiochemistry work were

obtained from the U. S. Army Signal Corps.

The AN/MDQ-1 radiochemistry

laboratory trailer was parked near the Rad-Safe Building and used for all
sample preparation and counting. Approximately 450 water, food, and soil
samples were processed and counted. Primary interest was centered in
gross beta-gamma activity or total alpha activity. No detailed radilochemistry
studies were required or attempted. In addition, numerous air filter samples
were counted for alpha activity following the Quince event.

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Shots and Survey Results

In the course of the operation, contamination from any one shot did not
materially interfere with preparations for subsequent events. This was due
in large part to the fact that most of the devices were fired on barges several hundred yards off shore rather than on the surface of an island or on
towers. In comparison with Operation Redwing, on-site contamination during
Hardtack was remarkably light. Fall-out from the Fir event on Bikini contributed approximately 1,200 to 1,500 mr total dose to those living at Eniwetok
Atoll but this did not interfere with any Eniwetok operations. Close rad-safe
control over accumulated dosages was effective in countering the dosage received from the Fir fall-out. Very little decontamination of land areas was
required since the contamination levels at critical stations were generally
quite low. The alpha contamination resulting from the Quince event required
very close control and considerable decontamination effort at the zero site in :
order that preparation for the Fig event could proceed.
Table 2.1 gives a summary of the various events at Eniwetok Atoll.
The H+4 hr survey results are indexed by figure number in Table 2.1,

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Select target paragraph3