Since 1965, the distribution of >> Be in the biosphere has
been studied both in the United States and in the Scandinavian


Initially, >? Be concentrations were determined in

Alaskan Eskimos, residents of Richland, Washington,
representative foodstuffs of both


and in

Subsequently, 3356

concentrations in environmental samples and in residents of


and Sweden Q) were reported which generally confirmed

the findings of the earlier study.

Additional research shows

‘that (i) marine organisms and people whose diet is largely seafood contain the highest concentrations of 55 ne



residents of the northern hemisphere have higher ar body
burdens than those of the southern hemisphere





Fe levels in people reached peak concentrations in 1966 and |

continue to decrease (6,7).
We determined the 5556 body burdens of natives at Rongelap
Atoll in the Marshall Islands.

Not only is their diet high in

(8), but the atoll received high-level fallout following

the detonation of a thermonuclear device at Bikini Atoll in

1954 (9).

We considered it probable that retention of re at the

atoll from that event,

coupled with world-wide fallout from large-

scale nuclear device testing in 1961-62 could lead to unusual

body burdens of this radionuclide in the Rongelapese.
Nhe method of separation of Fe was identical to that
previously described in this journal (1).

The counting technique

Select target paragraph3