-~14the pre-Mike tests and the Bikini tests of 1954 together contri
uted about 5 per cent of the total sr90 activity.

sr90 on the island is being maintained at an essentiaily
constant level (decreasing only with physical decay),

if the om

vorous hermit crab can be considered an accurate index of biolo

cally available strontium.

However, the ratio of the


in the crab skeleton to that in food items is not known.


from the meager data presently available, the radiostrontium con
tent of the crab skeleton is more than ten times that in

plants on a wet weight basis and is more than


three times.that

in soil on a dry weight basis.
Isotopes with half lives greater than 20 years contributed
nearly all of the activity in muscle tissue 35 days before
Nectar test.


sp 7% x7? , and Celt, p pitt


accounted for 84,

10 and 1 per cent respectively, of the total activity in muscle
tissue collected in February and November, 1955, and analyzed in

January and March, 1956.

Similar levels, 67, 19, and 1 per cent,

were found in coconut crab muscle from Rongelap Atoll

Table 14).


In contrast to the exoskeleton, muscle tissue had a

variable, though generally decreasing, level of


isotopes throughout the post-Nectar collecting period (Fig. 6).
Between 150 and 200 days post-Nectar,

the total activity


muscle was due primarily to the long-lived isotopes as evidenced
by the increased ecological half life.

The level of total ac-

tivity in muscle at 172 days (after Nectar) is. one-sixth the
pretest level, while the

level of long-lived

isotopes at that



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Select target paragraph3