

»-Ruben Zackhras, Acting President and Minister of Transportation and
“Kinja Andrike, Secretary, Education

Vderry Bennett, Department of Education
Carmen Bigler, Secretary, Internal Affairs
vAlfred Capelle, College of Micronesia Extension Services
Director and Staff, Marshallese Community Action Agency
eWilltiam Graham, Chief of Curriculum Development
~Dr. Isaacs, Medical Doctor, Health Services
Tony dohns, Clerk of the Cabinet
t Phillip Kabua, Acting Chief Secretary
«Marie Maddison, Chairwoman, Public Service Commission
‘Enid Mckay, Secretary of Social Services
vHenry Samuel, Minister of Health Services
In Honolulu, Hawaii, the following people were visited and/or consulted and
contributed information that was used to formulate the plan:
L~Sister Edna L. Demanche, retired, University of Hawaii, formerly teacher in

the Marshall Islands
“dim Harpstrite, University of Hawaii, Energy Project, .teacher training for

Micronesia teachers
Robert C. Kiste, Professor of Anthropology, University of Hawaii, anthropolo-

gist with extensive field experience and published work on Marshall Islands
‘Billiet Edmond and Louise E. Wohl, Pacific Area Language Materials Development

Center, University of Hawati
Marje Terpstra, University of Hawaii, former instructor in teacher training
at the College of Micronesia at Ponape.

In the United States, during special work on Marshall Island information booklets, the following people were consulted:
Alice Buck, Kwajalein, Marshall


Long-time Marshall Islands resident and Marshallese translator
Meleron Jelke, Ebeye, Marshall

Islands, Marshallese businessman and translator.

Select target paragraph3