following estimates; because it is more complete and it provides a selfconsistent set of data.

However, in view of the discrepancies, the results

can only be considered as approximations.

This probably makes little real

difference in view of the uncertainties in the risk coefficients that were _.

There is also a bias built into the data because of the inclusion of

Ebye and Majaro in the overall Marshall Istand rates.

This arises from the

different death rates (particularly infants) at these two locations.


many respects the population of Ebye and Majaro are quite dissimilar from

the Bikini population because they have the advantages and disadvantages
of a more technical environment.

For the estimates the last 5 or 6 year average of the data were used
because they are probably the most representative of current conditions.

From this, the following were obtained:


Rate of increase of the population has been about 3.8%/year.
Infant death rate is about 3.2% per birth.


Overall. death rate is 0.54% per year.


Birth rate is 4.2% per year.

A population of 550 was assumed for the one that might move back to
Bikini Atoll.

Values for other initial populations were obtained by

ratios of the results.

The total population at the end of 30 years is given by the compounding

Pay = 550 (1 + 0.038 39 = 1684

Select target paragraph3