Tables 5 and 6 summarize the 137cs body burden data collected
in 1978 and 1979 for children.

It must be noted that data reported

here are uncorrected for height and weight differences between
subjects and the phantom.

This will have a minimal effect on adult

data (10-15% possible error) (MI 76).

Body burdens of the children

reported in Tables 5, 6 and 7 have been corrected for geometric differences between adult standard man and the average Marshallese
Table 7 summarizes the 137 Cs data that is presently available.

It presents the mean (X), standard deviation from the mean (0), and
range of values reported for the sampled population.

The data are

segregated by sex and age.
Table 8 compares the observed reduction in 137¢5 body burdens
from April 1978 to January 1979 with the reduction in 1376, body burden that was expected as a result of relocating the Bikini Population
in late August 1978.

Values for the biological removal rate con-

stants were obtained from NCRP Report 52 (NCRP 77) and ICRP
Publication 10A (ICRP 71).

Select target paragraph3