Nuclear Medicine Technology and Other Health Applications


Interrelationship between Genetic and Environmental Factors

Projece Title:
in Clinical and Experimental Hypertension


Dahl, L. K,, Heine, M.,and Thompson, K.
Genetic influence of renal
homografts on the blood pressure of rats from different strains.
Proc, Soc.
Exp. Biol. Med, 140, 852-56 (1972).
/b08 Lb
Dahl, L. K,, Leitl, G., and Heine, M.
Influence of dietary potassium and
sodium’potassium molar ratios on the development of salt hypertension.
J. Exp.


Med. 136, No. 2, 318-30 (1972).

Ibo 3

Rapp, J. P. and Dahl, L, K.
Suppression of aldosterone in salt
susceptible and salt resistant rats.
Endocrinology (in press).
Rapp, J.

P. and Dahl, L. K.

susceptible to hypertension.
Iwai, J., Dahl,


Corticosteroid pattern in rats genetically

Excerpta Med. (in press).

L. K., and Knudsen, K,


IL 9S/

Genetic influence on the

réenin-angiotensin system,
Low renin activities in hypertension- prone
Circulation Res. (in press).
/ 73a al
Rapp, J. P., Knudsen, K. D., Iwai, J., and Dahl, L. K,
Genetic control
of blood pressure and corticosteroid production in rats,
Circulation Res.

(in press).




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A) 200 Word Summary:
The etiology and pathogenesis of hypertension (HT) is investigated with

emphasis on the interaction between genetic determinants and modifying

environmental factors.

Clinical and experimental programs originated with

the observations that salt (NaCl) intake could modify blood pressure (BP)

in man and rat,

In man, conclusions had to be based on statistical evaluation

of clinical and epidemiological data from groups,

In rats, selective breeding

produced two colonies with opposite and predictable BP responses of individuals

to the same salt intake. These two strains were equally sensitive or resistant
respectively, to other hypertensinogenic stimuli so the genetic substratum

operates in all

"forms" of HT,

Biochemical mechanisms controlled by the multiple genes that modify BP

are s&yudied and one that controls a hypertensinogenic mineralocorticoid,
18-hydroxy-deoxycorticosterone, was identified. Since other genes clearly

involvethe kidney, studies include the effect on BP and renin activity of
transplanting between strains:
a) whole kidneys, b) parts of kidney, and
c) adrenal cortex,
Other studies are related to the association of menopause
and HT in humans; cto a humoral factor that might lead to a clinical test for
predisposition to HT; and to a variety of genetically determined functions.
Clinically, the association of HT with gout, diabetes, obesity, and
atherosclerosis is studied; particularly interrelations involving lipid,

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