Project Title:

Combating Detrimental Effects of Radiation
The Role of Stem Cell and Therapy of the Hemorrhagic Phase in

Radiation Injury

Relationship to Other Projects:



Hopkins Medical Center, are interested in the effects of drugs on stem cell
growth, with essentially no work related to radiation effects, The studies
involving cyclophosphamide effects are closely related to studies here:
Sensenbrenner collaborates with BNL on the diffusion chamber technique.
H. Ragan, Battelle Northwest, who learned the diffusion chamber technique at
BNL, is interested in the effects of internal emitters on the hematopoietic
Stohlman's group at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Brighton, Massachusetts,
is interested in all aspects of normal and abnormal hematopoiesis. Benestad

of the Norwegian Defense Research Establishment was a key figure in the

development of the implanted diffusion chamber and the application of his

method in collaboration with his colleague, A. Boyum, a former Research
Collaborator in Residence at BNL.


Technical Progress in FY 1973:
Attempts to produce large numbers of HSC in diffusion chamber cultures

have to date been unsuccessful,

potential clinical application,

Attempts will continue in view of the

During this year the diffusion chamber culture technique has been


applied to the study of bone marrow. from patients with various blood

Nine patients were studied (chronic myeloid leukemia 4,
acute myelomonocytic leukemia 3, myelofibrosis with myeloid metaplasia 2,
polycythemia vera 1), These observations were compared with the growth
patterns of 3 normal bone marrow samples, In normal bone marrow an
orderly maturation of cells took place similar to that seen in vivo.
Autoradiographic studies on marrow from the patients with acute myelocytic
and chronic myelocytic leukemia suggested a faster maturation rate
than that previously reported. The rate of maturation in the diffusion —
chamber may be somewhat slower in myelofibrosis and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) as compared with che normal individual. When bone marrow from

patients with Ph, + CML and leukocyte alkaline phosphatase


(LAP) negative

cells is grown in diffusion chambers the Ph) + mitoses persist but a progeny

of intensely positive LAP cells emerges.
This proves that LAP negativity
is-not due to loss of LAP genomes when deletion of autosome 23 produced _

e + chromosome. The LAP negativity is due to repression of the genomes
carryahi the code for LAP in CML. Their derepression by factors supplied by
the néligine environment results in LAP + cells.
The RBE of the CFU has been studied using the spleen colony technique

in mice exposed to various energy of neutrons. The Do values obtained
were as follows:
250 KVp x rays - 80.14 rads, reactor fission neutrons40.78 rads, accelerator neutrons - 0.4 MeV - 28.14 rads; 0.66 MeV neutrons 34.50 rads; 1.0 MeV neutrons - 28.12 rads; 1.5 MeV neutrons - 28.8 rads;
1.8 MeV neutrons - 29,62 rads.

(See Continuation Sheet)



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