Project Title:


Exposure to External and Internal Radiation
Evaluation of Hazards from Tritium--Dominant Lethal
Mutations in Mice

Relationship to Other Projects:

This work is closely related to the present studies by the late Dr.
Gonzalez of Columbia University and BNL on the genetic effects of radiation
in Drosophila melanogaster.
At ORNL, W. Russell, L, Russell, and E. Oakburg

are currently determining the incidence of recessive mutations from exposure
to tritium.

Lyon at M,R,C., Radiobiology Research Unit, Harwell, England, and

A. C, Bateman, Christie Hospital and Holt Radium Institute, Manchester,

England, have been working on the radiation induction of dominant Lethal
mutations in rodents,


Technical Progress in FY 1973:



A total of 1,780 female animals have been bred.

tritium and bred with males on tritium,


These included 748 on

335 bred to males on regular water,

336 on normal water bred to males on tritiated water, and 361 control animals
where both partners were on normal water. Of the 1,780 animals, 1,017 became
pregnant and 10,904 corpora lutea were counted.

While these figures repre-

sent a rather significant number of animals, indications are if a genetic
effect does exist, it is not great enough to be readily apparent,
programs are currently being written to enable a detailed examination of the
data available.

Animals were examined for incorporation of tritium for as long as 302
days after initiation of the experiment.
Preliminary results indicate that by
14 days after beginning on tritium water, the plasma and wet tissue tritium

activity has reached more than 80% of the values measured at 302 days.

The dry

tissue activity similarly plateaus within the first 30 days on tritiated H,0.

After maintenance on tritium for 37 weeks, animals have been sacrificed,

the bone marrow harvested from the hind legs, and evaluated for stem cell

Initial results indicated
content as measured by the spleen colony technique.
a reduction in stem cell number in the tritiated animals.
A pilot determination is now in progress aimed at measuring the amount

of tritium incorporated into DNA,RNA, histone and residual chromosome associated with protein. As yet this work is too preliminary for comment, however,
the teghniques were standardized.

17. Wepected Results in FY 1974:
Accumulation of information on the long-term incorporation of tritiated

water into the various body compartments and nuclear constituents will con-

tinue in order to determine whether or not maintenance on 100 x the MPC will

(See Continuation Sheet)


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