Roger Ray




The following schedule is planned. Charter vessel to refuel and
pick up supplies at Kwajalein on July 2, 1973. Team members will
meet vessel at Eniwetok July 4 and after visiting some of the islands in the Eniwetok Atoll, vessel with team members aboard will
depart for Ujelang Atoll on the evening of July 5, arriving on or

about July 7. If needed to assist in resettlement planning, a
visit would be made by the Ujelang planning council on or about
July 18 to Eniwetok via the charter vessel. Representatives from
AEC, H&N and DNA would plan to be at Eniwetok during this visit
in order to answer questions and to assist in visits to other

The AEC portion of the study is expected to be completed
on or about July 20 and the AEC-sponsored participants would return to CONUS either via Ponape or Eniwetok at that time.
The H&N

team would finish their study about the end of July and return via
Ponape to Majuro.

For administrative convenience, procurenent of supplies ana

services at Majuro, including the charter vessel, will be accomplished by H&N with TTPI contract funds. Supplies and services
at Honolulu and Kwajalein are to be funded through the NV PASO
office with NV Eniwetok Survey Funds. Eniwetok support wiil be
provided through an existing NV/SAMTEC contract. Following the
completion of the survey,

reimbursement of allowable costs in-

curred by NV either under their contract with SAMTEC or through
NV support provided by PASO at Honolulu, Kwajalein or Eniwetok,
and for those costs held allowable incurred by H&N under their
YTPL contract for support services and/or provisions obtained from
Majuro and Ujelang, or provided from other sources by either NV
or H&N, will be subject to a post audit.
Such audit will provide
the formula for equitable distribution of costs between NV and

the H&N TIPI contract.

Any transfer of funds due NV by H&N under

their TTPI contract, or vice versa, upheld by the referenced post

audit may be accomplished through debit or credit of the exist-

ing AEC/NV contract with H&N, Contract AT(29-2)-20, which provides
for performance of work at NIS, STS and Off-Continent locations.

OOA:MP- 004

J.D. Stewart, OSD
R. D. Lease, OSD



Paul J

iudya, Director

Operat ons Support Division

Select target paragraph3