Living Conditions 1 aN ms Ln Ww rm c L 2L9e1 NI SV SWS * Values were rounded for use in the Bikini book. 235 9 9 wl 0 * 58.85 > 60 58,85 + 60 550 ° 235 ea 550 58.8560 550 90 90 8N0 800 350 350 235 85.6+90 85.6490 8C0 800 36 30 oJ 14 3. 5 140 140 ce 350 350 550 550 woo eto) 13 24 44 550 550 140 140 1300 1300 1300 2.8 5.4 139.1+140 (rem) Body Dose 139.1+140 1300 (10.7%) 5 30-Yr Whole —t co mt N ll 12 Birth Defects # of Births in 30 Yr 4 Spontaneous 3 550 550 Population Initial 2 BIRTH DEFECTS Table 3 oOo OID aN 336 53 252 288 28 32 24 .132 .22 4 -228 54 38 6 - ca 896 i.65 64 1.18 50 0.645 1.19 6.72 12.32 4.8 8.8 56 4.83 8.86 1.51 1.08 4) 222 .196 .294 1.09 -56 .78 56 %Increase 8 Birth Defects* No. of Increased 7 rr (0.2%/rem): % Increase Total 6 Sept. 10, 1980