APPENDIX Estimates of Radiation Doses Received By Person Who Visited at Bikini for About 10 Years Until August 1978 Bone Marrow Doses - Calculation of Average Dose (Values in mrem) Female Male 1600 2600 260 430 1600 1600 1000 1500 300 710 1700 280 1300 510 810 770 1200 2100 1400 1100 1300 1800 700 430 1600 680 1500 2200 890 500 1700 1200 2400 11090 1600 1300 1300 350 900 900 1500 2700 1200 820 1900 1600 2100 1400 900 210 1500 1100 2100 2100 410 760 310 1400 400 1000 1500 1900 1300 300 370 1600 340 1400 1300 1900 1500 620 2300 1600 1200 670 1900 1600 480 3000 (highest value) 72 ,360 mrem n = 50 2400 320 1400 1800 1600 2000 1900 2500 2300 2300 1100 1900 1900 590 1400 1500 740 2600 2200 56,200 mrem n= 49 Average dose to all people 72.36 56.20 rem rem “128.56 128.56 99 il A. 1.2986 = 1.3 rem per person