Storage battery powered emergency lights should be provided
in the patient care and service areas to augment emergency

lighting and for continuity during the interim of switching

from normal to emergency electrical power.
Electrical outlets must be appropriately placed to provide power for charging these battery powered lights.

i. Air Conditioning and Exhaust Fans. An external
air-conditioner of sufficient size to cool the 2,000 sq ft

clinic area is required for the Enewetak Clinic.


estimate a maximum of 28 people will be in the clinic at any
one time.

Exhaust fans should be included on the outside walls

in the laboratory, sterilizer, x-ray dark room and toilet areas
to vent the excess heat and odors.
The exhaust fan to the dark

room must be light tight.

Cool air should be ducted into each

of the rooms through ceiling duct work.
At the Lojwa medical
aid station, window air-conditioners will be adequate if a
central unit is not available.

Decontamination of injured personnel
would be accomplishedat the established decontamination sites.

Operating procedures will have to be developed at Enewetak which

prescribe handling and movement procedures for patients who
cannot be completely decontaminated.
Depending on the procedures
developed, an additional facility may be required to hold and
treat these patients.

k. Veterinary Services Work Space. A work area to include
a desk, chair and adequate lighting should be provided for
the veterinary technician in the commissary cold storage area.


Enewetak - two lines are required.
Line one for
administrative use on camp, preferably with capability of
contact with USAF Clinic Hickam, Hickam AFB, Hawaii.
two should be designated for "emergencies" with an instrument
in the administrative area.
Line one with seven instruments
should be keyed with an intercom to the dental office, pharmacy,
laboratory, doctor's office, emergency room, holding area,

and administrative area.

Lojwa - one line with contact capability to
Enewetak Clinic.
Two instruments, one in office and one
near radio in emergency room with headset and 20 feet
coil cord.

Select target paragraph3