length has been inereased to50-feet for the accomoodation of 50 persons

per shelter. Reinforced concrete sipe or corrugaied steel pipe will be
utDiised in canstruction.

This tentative design, which was reviewed by representatives of 7CDA and
the Department of Defense, is considered satisfactary 1f emergency construction is desired, to ainimize hesards to personnel from blaat, radiation and

thermal effects of a 20 KT atomic bomb exploded 2,000 feet distant.


further shelter tests will have to be conducted to confirm our estiustes of
the adequacy of the tantative design.


River Keet.


On February 7, representatives

tional Security Resources Board, Air Fores, Air Fores Special Weapons
Project, Department of Defense, Navy, Rand Corperation, National Fire Protec-

tion Association and Stenford Hesearch Institute met in New Tork to trief.
project “East River® personnel on the various aspects of atomic warfare.

Mr. He. L. Donan, consultant to the Divieion of Biology snd Hedicine,
Feprenented the AZC at this meeting and reported on experiences gained fron
studies made ty the U. 3. jtrategic Bowbing Survey im World “ar II. Mr.
Bowman wes the Director of the Physical Damage Vvivision of U....35,

The AEC and the Nationel Cancer

e Committes on Radiation jtudies of the

Hational Cancer Advisory Cowmeil have been jointly sponsoring studies on
sub-husan primtes. 4 meeting to report on the progresa of these studies
was held on Pebruary 27-28, 1952 at the Ohio ‘tate University Medical

Sehoal, Colwsbus, Chico.

Dr. G. L.Dunham, AEC representative on the joint

program, attended the meeting along with a group of Hcl grantees and Ac
sontractor representztives enzaged in the studies.


& complete Letial Dose curve has not been run, it would appear that
LD 50 for the Rhesus sonkey will fall. somewhere betareen 600 and 700 r


the given time intensity of the sources used, which is probably not
from what would be expected in aan from similar sources. Inform-

farther exchanged on the sethod of care for these animals in

4 ese

work is of importance to the XCI fros the standpoint of earcinagenesiss

the AKG from the stendpaint of biological effeats of ionizing radiation;

to those interested in nuclear propelled sireraft from the standpoint of
effects of moderate doses of whole body radiation on performance and

ritical diserimination.

SURNAME P |...._-.----..----.------_.--|_..---___
DATE p> |_..-_------.----__-__--__ fee a a
Form. AEC-~318




Select target paragraph3