Ke De Nichols


July 12, 195k

of this group to make the charges that the United States has been

unfaithful to its trusteeship agreement, that it has diverted lands
owned by the Marshallese to its own purposes, that it has done so
in a manner which 1s illeral and in violation of its trusteeshlp
charter. The United States' position is firmly supported by the
Delegations from Belgium, France and UK especially. The detailed
questioning of Mr. Midkiff on the report of the Trust Territories

occupied all of Thursday so that the matter of the petition did not
come before the Committee on Petitions until Friday, July 9. This
Committe is composed of the Delegations of the Soviet Union, India,
Syria, UK, France and Belgium and is probably split 2 and 3 on any
actions One of the prime authors of the petition, Mr. Dwight Heine,
Superintendent of Schools, Majure, has been brought to the UN by the
American Delegation botMr. Sears made it plain to the Council and
other committees that Mr. eine was free to give his own opinions
in such a manner as he might see fit, and that he appeared as a

member of the U.Se Delegation solely because that wis the only way
in wh ch his transportation could be provided. Mr. Heine was,
therefore, invited to the table as the "petitioner." He was then
bombarded particularly by the threes communist sympathizing Dele-

gations with long and involved statements purporting to be questions

in which were burled statements purporting to be expressions of fact
and which required considerable explanation before Mr. Heine could
determine what the actual questions were. These were obviously such
propaganda statements that in a somewhat heated exchange Mr. Sears

bluntly so characterized them, and the Chairman received a complaint
from the Indian representative of Mr. Searst use of undiplomatic


Stripped of the vast volume of wordy chaff, the charges made were:

The provisions in the Charter for the separation of specific

lands for strategic and security purposes did not extend to

the use of such lands for atomic and thermoenuclear experiments.


The obligations assumed by the 0. 5. for the protection of the

health of the people and their resources were incompatible with
the use of the Trust Territories for weapons experiments.


There is no logal basis for the utilization of lands for such


The replies to these in substance were based on the wording of the

charter and the concept of government whether or not the governing

power, while not holding title to lands, none-the-less holds inherently
the right of eminent domain by which it may take and utilize the

Select target paragraph3