I wish to thank the staff of the Laboratory of Radiation

Ecology, whose work produced the data that made this report
I wish especially to thank Dr. Thomas Beasley, who
supervised all of the radiochemical analyses and who did many
of them himself.
Dr. Allyn Seymour and Dr. Beasley were of
great help in planning the collections and in interpreting the
results of the survey.
I am grateful to Dr.


Rodney Eagle,

Terrence Jokela,

and Raymond Lusk for their part in the field collections.

I appreciate the cooperation of personnel of Joint Task

Eight and Holmes

& Narver,


and recognize

that the

field collections would not have been successfully completed

without their help.

We exchanged samples in the field with Drs. John Harshbarger

and Donald Squires of the Smithsonian Institution and thank them
for samples of coconut crabs from Oroken Island and rats from
Bikini Island.
Dr. Jack Tobin,

Trust Territory of the Pacific,

made valuable

suggestions regarding the collections and was instrumental in

obtaining the services of two Bikini people to assist with the

William Moore,


Public Health Service,

accompanied us

during most of the collections and pointed out areas giving
the highest external radiation measurements; well water and
soil samples were collected from these areas.

The final guidelines for the survey were developed during
a preliminary survey of Bikini Atoll in March, 1969 with Frank

_Cluff and Donald Hendricks, Nevada Operations Office,
Smith, U. S. Public Health Service.

and Alan

Select target paragraph3