
f spiny lobsters collected in 1969


(Fig. 2).

Although the identity

Ag has not been confirmed by chemical separation, there

is little doubt of its presence because the spiny lobster hepatopancreas is known to concentrate 260-day 110m,



108m, is another potentially useful long-lived tracer with

its indicator organism.
Tritium in well water is present at low concentrations; the
maximum value found was 14 pCi/ml, or 4300 tritium units,


Nam I.,whereas at Bikini and Enyu Islands the concentration was
2 pCi/ml,

or approximately 600 T.U.. (Table 15). These values fall

Within the range of tritium concentrations in surface waters of

the United States in 1966 reported by Moghissi and Porter (1968).
Koranda. (1965) has shown that there is approximately 104 times
more tritium in bound water than in loose water in soils at
Eniwetok Atoll, but that there is little exchange of the bound
water with the loose water.

Hence it is probable that there

will be no major changes in the tritium concentration of well
water at Bikini Atoll.

Bikini can be expected to remain a useful area for the study
of the redistribution of radionuclides for at least several

This is especially true since rapid advances are being

made in the technology of radionuclide detection.
The present levels of radionuclides and their distribution
at Bikini are not likely to change significantly except for a”

Select target paragraph3