




The funlamatal cdjective <f the BMiclogteal pregran fa te provide

inforuntion whith can de weed tm planning effective medical care for
victine cf atcxte warfare and for victims cf industrial aceidents tn
meleay energy plants. Suck ;leming must depent on rediclegion! stulies

which weilise the unique radiation of atoate exylesicas, A entisfactory

biclogiosi teat »rogrmem should ;sovide Gata which can ;eruit evaluaticn
cf stew doa sediaticn injwy in terns of the injurious acticn cf roentagun,

quem, eni neutron rediaticas of a character thet can be produced by om
veetionnl wen in laberatcried. Adeqmte uaiical pleming carmct he

anticipated weil tt is ,casfdle to translate laboratory conlitions to
field conditions with a high degree of certainty.

The psegma hae been agprowsd ly the Division of Biology ani Melicine,

Agee away Comission, by J-Divisicn cf the Los Alame Sciamiris

Inboustcey, ani ty the Jetnt Frocf-Test Camsittes.

1.0 Coley

This colony will provide om adequate number of enimis for we

all esperinenters at alct tine. These enimis will sve heen dems ant raised

om du;ton Tnlont emf should be ecelimted to the total coal exvircnem,
Suitable cont.rcl stelics will be perforued prier te the sheta. The reaycanse

and mag reauil

applicavie me laws.


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Select target paragraph3