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Bikini Atoll, thantiis the COMDOHETS, “arcording to the accepted More sbatlese ¢ ustom, Poll use rights |in the followsinv islands, islets and land

parcels from the public domain of the said ‘Hrust Territory:


. + KS, also known as anter'’s Tshind, located at 5 deurecs, 38
ininutes 45 seconds North J;nitude aul 169 dewrecs 7 Spinutes
Mast Jonvitude;


at Seheot (Devet) locnted-on the eastern side of the daluit Moll at

6 deerees 7 nonutes 16 seconds North latitude and 169 degrees

a repates 43 seconds East longitudes

‘dar (jar) located on the eastern Side af daluit Atoll at 6 derrees

7 minutes 36 seconds North latitude and 169 degrees 33 mine:
utes 16 seconds Eust lonzitude;

J + Bokalablab located on the easter ‘side of Jalnit Atoll at 6 deszrees




6 minutes 80 seconds North Iatitude ane. 169 degrees 33 mine
ules 1D seconds Past Jongitudes
nod the land aren on the southern end of Jebwar Island located

on the eastern side of dkduit Atoll known as-Lojokar, AN yovermrent lands south of Fojokurwillo to theend of Lullol


“AH Chose Tanils anyhe diy ideal among the former Bikini people as ther

“shall moitoalhearvee, whe he use rictts to the Tnnd, lagoon, or coos,
of the above mentioned bands,’ together witht all buildinAes “anid trees
thereon shail be held by itsrin, anal theiir hetes and assiens i aceorhmice


wilih the arvepted Miasialese enstoms,

The aforesaid use rtizhis in the afercenid rovernment Inds shall

contin teuntib such fine as tony be possibile for the people to return
to Bikini, oroviding Chev wish Co rehire Co occupy said Atoll.
The Soverament af the Trust "Territury of the. Pacific Islands

ansifor {be Goverminent af the tnited States of Amerien shall possess

the full use richts fo Hiking Atoll uneth such Ginie as if determines it
will no longer be necessary fo vecupy apd use the said Atoll.

A. ‘The sain of S325 000000 shall be conveyed to those persuns, Chase

commaners, Who possess rights in Bikini Atoll,

This money is to be

astlinistered os pare: fi) $25,000.00, receipt of which ts hereby

aeknewledsed, to he pakt ce aforgsard partes at Che time of signing
this avrerment aad may be divided amon those who possess aferesatd
richts Gr Bikin’ Atal, or other wise vbhaed as all pares concerned



nerees aml (2) the remaining Si00,000.00 te be placed isa trust fad
to be estahlished snd ndipinistered by the Heh Cominiasiuner until
such thine as sak (rust (nod enn be administered bya qn:alified in-tihueting, (Phe trust (aod shall be favested andy in United States Gavern-~

nent seenritins aml buerest acerned from said fond will be paid in.sueh
mmonner as tnay be farther avreect upos by the alias and People with, ‘
vest Sanet rietyin Walon.


The peaple and alafs siening this Apceement in Prineiple repres
ont that they have the full. and, complete right to represent the”
tins 8 snes eh,
Pa, ey


Sante rests uhany sunset elt instividnsnfs who hy renson of having lived on.

y “Seems




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