e. Since by definition danger areas com.rise areas hazardous to
navigation byvessels or aircraft, they obviously must not include inhabited
atolls, In consideration of this fact, it is noted that a revised danger
area cannot be extended eastward fartner than Ailinginae Atoll since the
adjacent atoll (Rongelap) contains 112 indigenes, Latitudinal expansion
of a combined danger area beyond the present scope of Eniwetok Danger Area

(150 miles) would entail a similar problem by overlapping Wotho Atoll, also


Thus, it is noted that the revised danger

area proposed below


contains only Eriwetok, Bikini, and Ailinginae - all of which are uninhabited



In view of the above, it is recommended:


a. Thet the status of Bikini Atoll and its territorial waters as a
closed area under United Nations krreement be established if this has not

previously been done.


be. That upon the establishment of Bikini Atoll and its territorial
waters 4s a "closed area", the "Bikini Danger Area" mentioned in subpararach 1.d. above be cancelled,

That the Eniwetok Daneger Area be extended along its north and

south parallels to a distance of 4; miles east of the center of Bikini

Atoll to longitude 166° 28! east, Accordingly, with mdification of one
coordinate only, the revised ENIWETOK/BIKINI Danger Area would be that
area bounded by the Meridians 160°35: - 166°28' east longitude, ani by
the parallels 10°15! - 12°45! north latitude, am area 150 by 350 miles,
d. Tnat consideration be given to withholding publication of the
revised danger area in the requisite hydrographic notices until such tine
és the Atomic Energy Commission has material on Bikini of special security

/s/ ¥. Ke PECLUI
Chief of Staff


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