November 9, 195¢

Dear Governor Boggs:
Sines receipt of your official request fer s
meeting on falient pretection between the

Gevernore! Conference Cormmitios on Civil
Defense and variour Federal afficiaia, members
of my ataff and interested Federal agencies have
held & aumber of meetings with representatives
of the Governers' Committees to discusd thle pro-

peeal. We have jointly concluded that 12 would

be beneficial to hold such a conference, and!
have asked that arrangements be made for this
meeting at a matually conventent date early cext


I wanted you to know of our decision in thle matter,
and would like to express again my continued
appreciation to you and the other members of the
Governors’ Conference for your interest in this

very vital subject.

With warm regard, —-_



| Siueerety,

The Honorable J. Caleb Boggs
Gevernor of Delaware
Dever, Delaware

Copy to Governor Boggs. «/ sovernorme Conference
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