






rains were not heavy aneugh te produce waahdewn of the
general ares, At that tine high winds and rain falling
at several inches per hour fer shout four hours re-~duced the general beekground approximately half. .

Film badges used as controls were located about three
feet inside an sluainua building end showed reduction

to about 40 percent of outalde integrated dose. Lose
rete survey metars indicated abeut 30 percent of out-

side rete at positions greater than eight feet fron
interior of building walls. Film hadges wern by office

workers show a dose of about 60 percent of suteide in-

tegrated dose. People workdng outelde most of the cay
accumulated about 80 sercent of the outside integrated


Though we did not attespt decontaaination va believe
local areas could have been cleared where necessary
by extangive hesing. Such methods presuppose ap~
preciebly better drainege than we have here, the
teehnigue showid work well in cities but would be leas
effeotive in suburban eress. In suburban and rarel

areas our experience both here end in Nevada suggests
thet surface grading is a very effective nethod of

local decontantnstien.

‘“e intend te clear Farry Isisnd

living and working areas by this nethed in order te

reduce long tine dese to AEC and contractor personnel

whe vill reaain here.

We believe protection afforded by buildings resulted
primarily from distance offecta since tents, though
isss well deoumented, showed aimiler trend,
Ry separate teletype Ir. Felt reported the following:

Maximum readings on farry and Eniwetok were about 120 ar

at 26 houra after the shot.

io neximum wae recorded on

Japten or other local islands and no fall-cat was

observed at weather station islands and Enyu (Rikint).
We fall-out was reported on Rengelep.


Select target paragraph3