Note 16 continued -


Henry 1. Kohn. MD. PhD


May 23, 1990
Congressman Sidney Yates
House Committee on Appropriations
Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies

308 House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

Ms. Kathleen Johnson w

Dear Congressman Yates:

I am responding to your invitation to comment on the written
testimony of Senator Anjain and his consultant Bernd Franke, representing
the Rongelap people at the hearing of 4 May 90.


As you know, DOE in 1982 announced that Rongelap Island met the
U.S. radiological standards, and that it was habitable.
The compact of



Free Association Act of 1985 requested tht these conclusions be reviewed

I received that contract in August 1987.


From the start, there has been contention between Senator
Anjain, or his consultants, and myself.
{a} I have centered my attention on Rongelap Island, as stated in
the Act. They have considered the whole Atoll and wish to deal with
matters that I consider outside the scope of “habitability".
(They have
Stated their objectives operationally in a proposed $6.6 milllion study


he ee

plan, presented to the Congress.)

In judging DOE-1982, I have used all data available.*


have argued that only those data should be used that were available when

DOE-1982 was written, circa 1981.

The net result has been a great deal of criticism, technical

and otherwise, from Anjain et al, directed at the Rongelap Reassessment



Project or myself.
In what follows, I shall not answer their testimony
point by point.
I will attempt to provide a more general picture, so
that differences can be seen in pewspective, by grouping the various
topics under three headings:
Dosage, Miscellaneous, and Recommendations.

* With the permission of the Secretary's Office, R.M.I.


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CA 94709

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