Republic of the Marshall Islands
Senator Jeton Anjain
Mayor Willie Mwekto

P.O. Box 1006

Mayuro, Marshall island 96960

a7 ep

Telephone: 3285

June 27, 1988

Henry I. Kohn, M.D.
Rongelap Reassessment Project
1203 Shattuck Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94709
Dear Dr.



On April 25, Mayor Mwekto and I wrote you regarding the
Rongelap Reassessment Project Preliminary Study saying you had

performed "a great service on behalf the Rongelap people.

Today, I write you with a very different message. The manner in
which this study is now being conducted is unacceptable.
study with each passing day, has less and less credibility in our
Congress mandated this study to be independent.

Congress for a review of DOE's 1982 Radiation Study --

We asked

independent of DOE -- and the Compact sets forth the terms and

conditions of that "independent" review. Based on a review of
actions of the "Kohn (independent) Study" taken to date, it is
now evident that the "independence" of this study has been

Since the hearing before the Appropriations Committee in
late April, this study has been changed. It's tone and direction

have been altered.

It's purpose now appears to be different than

it was when the study was initiated.

I am writing you at this time in the hopes that actions can
still be taken to restore credibility and integrity to this vital


In 1984, I and others testified before Congressman
Seiberling regarding the 1982 DOE report and the general
circumstances on Rongelep Atoll. Subsequently, I met privately

with the Chairman to discuss the matter.
that something must be done.

Seiberling recognized

Congress mandated the independent study in section 103(i) of
the Compact.
A statement regarding the purpose of the study is

found in Public Law 99-239 which says, in part:



Select target paragraph3