

The sections of DOE~1982 that deal with Rongelap and are now under
review were discussed with DOE-1982's senior author, Dr. William Bair
(Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA 99352), and Dr. Bair has
read, especially, the parts of the Report referring to thera. It should
be noted that DOE-1982 is a statement by DOE and is always referred to as
such in this Report.
Dr. William Robison (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory,
Livermore CA 94550), who supplied the field data and the dose
calculations for DOE-1982, has provided @dditional data for the present
report, and has discussed his findings with me.
Relevant Rongelap studies that were supported by DOE at Brookhaven
National Laboratory (Upton, New York 11973), were discussed with Dr.
William H. Adams, (Medical Department), Dr. Robert Conard (Medical
Department] and Mr. E. Lessard (Safety & Environmental Protection
It was considered important and efficient to bring together all of
the data that are now available rather than to restrict this report to
the limited data on which DOE-1982 was based.

With the concurrence of

the Marshallese Government, therefore, additional information fron

DOE~supported laboratories, that became available after DOE-1982 had been

written, was made available to us by Adams, Lessard and Robison.


we have taken a number of samples in the field and have had them analyzed
independently, in accordance with the wishes of the Rongelap people.
Other sources of information in the international literature have
been used and are cited in the text.

We have also discussed from time to time various matters relating to
the Report, or the progress made in developing it, with Rongelap Senator

Jeton Anjain, P.O. Box 1006, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands,


The task has been greatly facilitated by Mr. Peter Oliver, Special
Assistant for Compact Affairs, Republic of the Marshall Islands, P.O. Box
15, Majuro, 96960.
The Reassessment Report (the present document) was written by Henry
I. Kohn in his capacity as Referee under contract with RepMar. The
opinions and statements made are therefore his responsibility. The task,
however, was greatly facilitated by discussions with members of an
international panel of consultants, selected to represent a variety of
overlapping specialties that would cover the problems under examination.
Owing to time constraints, none of the consultants has read the final
version of this Report. All have read the Preliminary Report (April 20,
1988), and I have discussed various parts of the present document with

various consultants by correspondence and especially by telephone.


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