99 STAT. 1784

PUBLIC LAW 99-239—JAN.14, 1986

adequate and whether such conclusions are fully supported by the
data. If the party reviewing the data concludes that such conclusions
as to habitability are fully supported by adequate data, the report to

thePresident of the United States and the Congress shall so state. If
the party reviewing the data concludes that the data are inadequate
to support such conclusions as to habitability or that such conclusions as to habitability are not fully supported by the data, the
Governmentof the Marshall Islands shall contract with an appro-

priate scientist

group of scientists to undertake a complete survey

of radiation and other effects of the nuclear testing program relat-

ing to the habitability of Rongelap Island. Such sums as are necessary for such survey and report concerning the results thereof and
as to steps needed to restore the habitability of Rongelap Island are

authorized to be made available to the Governmentof the Marshall
(8) It is the intent of Congress that such steps (Gif any) as are
necessary to restore the habitability of Rongelap land and return
the Rongelap people to their homeland will
taken by the United

States in consultation with the Governmentof the Marshall Islands
and, in accordance with its authority under the Constitution of the

Ante, p. 1781.

Marshall Islands, the Rongelap loca] governmentcouncil.

G) Four Arowt Hearn Care Procram.—{1) Services provided by

the United States Public Health Service or any other United States
agency pursuantto section ](a) of Article IT of the Agreement for the

Implementation of Section 177 of the Compact (hereafter in this

subsection referred to as the “Section 177 Agreement”) shall be only

for services to the people of the Atolls of Bikini, Enewetak,
Rongelap, and Utrik who were affected by the consequences of the

91 Stat, 1159.
94 Seat.84.


States nuclear testing program,

pursuant to the program

described in Public Law 95-134 and Public Law 96-205 and their
descendants (and any other persons identified as having been so
affected if such identification occurs in the manner described in

such public laws). Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as

prejudicia] to the views or policies of the Government of the Mar‘shal! Islands as to the persons affected by the consequences of the

United States nuclear testing program.
(2) At the end of the first year after the effective date of the
Compact and at the end of each

agency or agencies shall return to

year thereafter, the providing

the Governmentof the Marshall

any unexpended funds to be returned to the Fund Manager

(as described in Article I of the Section 177 Agreement) to be covered
{nto the Fund’to be available for future use.

(3) The Fund Manager shall retain the funds returned by the
Government of the Marshal! Islands pursuant to paragraph (2) of

this subsection, shall invest and
e such funds, and at the end
of 15 years after the effective date of the Compact, shall make from
the total amount so retained and the proceeds thereof annual
disbursements sufficient to continue to make payments for the
provision Of health services as specified in paragraph (1) of this
subsection to such extent as may
provided in contracts between
the Government of the Marshal] Islands and appropriate United


Post, p. 1812.

States providers of such health services.
(k) Ensesi Communtry Trust Funp—~Notwithstanding any other
vision of law, the Secretaryof the Treasury shall establish on the
ks of the Treasury of the United States a fund having the status

specified in Article V of the subsidiary agreement for the implementation of Section 177 of the Compact, to be known as the



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