The following is quoted from "The Meaning of Radiation for
Those Atolls in the Northern Part of the Marshall Islands That

Were Surveyed in 1978", U. S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C.,
November 1982, page 39:

information That Has Been Obtained from the Measurements
Made in 1978
H 233 people tve on Rongelep island end eat loca! food only trom Rongeiap


Scoentests estimate that the largest emount of regiation a person might recewe
1h ORG year from radioactive aioms that ceme from the U § bomb tests 1s

400 mitirem But usually the largest Bmount ® person mihi receive would be
bess then this Thrs smount of radiation Gecresses every yee! however a
Gocreases very slowly

The highest average amount of radiation people might recerve in the coming 30

yeors 16 2500 miltirem on any peri of the Body 896 3300 millicem in just the
bone marrow

in the coming 30 years screntsts estimate that 10 people may die from cancers

COused by things Other han radiation from the atom BOMD tests In 8001105 10
this from 0 1 10.0 6 people may det nm the future from cancers caused by rads
ton rece wed in the coming 30 years from the atomic Somd tests
tn the coming 30 yeers screntsts estimate that 60 chidren could be born with
health Gefects coused by things ether than redistion from the atomic Bomb

tetis In addition to this. 0 007 to 0 3 chsidren mey eventually be born with

. heath defects coused by raciation ther perents recenwe in the coming 30 years
from the atomic Domo tests

H people Ive on Enesetos and not on Rongelap island and eat jocal food only
trom Eneaetok. the amount of rediution they receive would be about the seme
W people go to Naen trom Rongelap island. and eat food trom Neen. they might
receve abou! five tmes more rediation while they are there
H people go to Namen o Mein from Rongelap Island and eat food from those

two siands they Could receive #D0U1 two Imes More radiation while they are


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