[ICRU (1979)

Publication 31]

James, R.A. (1964).
Estimate of radiation dose to the thyroids of the
Rongelap children following the Bravo event. UCRL 12273.

Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore CA 94550

Kato, H., W.J. Schull, A. Awa, M. Akiyama, M. Otake. (1987).


response analyses among atomic bomb survivors exposed to low-level


Health Physics 52: 645-52

Kerr, G.D. (1980) A review of organ doses from isotropic fields
of gamma rays. Health Physics 39, pp. 3-20.
Lessard, E.T. (1988)

Personal communication to Henry I. Kohn.

Lessard, E.T.
(1984a) Letter Report to Roger Ray, DOE Operations
Office, P.O. Box 14100, Las Vegas, NV 89114
Lessard, E.T., R.P. Miltenberger, $.H. Cohn, S.V. Musolino, R.A.


Protracted exposure to fallout:

Utirik experience.

Health Physics 46, 511-547

the Rongelap and

Lessard, E.T., A.B. Brill, W.H. Adams (1985). Thyroid cancer in the
Relative risk of radioiodine and external radiation

exposure. BNL 37232. Medical Dept., Brookhaven National
Laboratory, Upton NY 11973

Lessard, E.T., R. Miltenberger, R. Conard, S. Musolino, J. Naidu,
A. Moorthy, C. Schopfer (1985).

Thyroid absorbed dose for people

at Rongelap, Utirik, and Sifo on March 1, 1954.
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973

BNL 51882.

Lessard, E.T, X. Yihua, K.W. Skrable, G.E. Chabot, C.S. French,
T.R. Labone, J.R. Johnson, D.R. Fisher, R. Belanger, J.L. Lipsztein.
(1987). Interpretation of bioassay measurements. NUREG/CR-4884;
BNL-NUREG-52063. Safety and Environmental Protection Division,
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973
Miltenberger, R.P., N.A. Greenhouse, E.T. Lessard (1980). Whole body
counting results from 1974 to 1979 for Bikini Island residents.
Health Physics 39: 395-407.



Miltenberger, R.P., E.T. Lessard, J. Steiners, N.A. Greenhouse (1981)
137Cs in human milk and dose equivalent assessnent. Personal
communication of unpublished report. Brookhaven National
Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973
Moss, W.D., G.L. Tietjen (1988). Twenty-sixth Hanford Life Sciences
Symposium, (October 1987): Reassessment of human and beagle dog
plutonium excretion data in: Modelling for scaling to man. (J.A.
Mahaffey and J.A. MeWhinney, co-chairmen). To be published as a
special issue of the Journal of Bealth Physics.
[The factors used
were obtained from Dr. Lessard; see p. 78.)



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